16 August 2010

Letters from Emma

After the tragedy of Arthur's death, his family received two letters from his 73 year old mother, Emma (Handeyside) Raymo. This first letter was written after Emma received word of Arthur's accident, but before he succumbed to his injury later that day:

Mar 19, Wayne, Mich.
My dear ones, one and all. Your message received and am so sorry to hear such sad news. But you will have to forgive any absence for I feel too poorly to make the trip, but Ralph, Fannie and Hazel will leave Detroit on the 11:15 tonight. They will be there before this letter does. I have been sick, not out of the house for six weeks. Not very good yet but my prayers will be for my son and your dear daddy that he shortly will be better and be restored to you all. May God bless you all. My sorrow is pretty near greater than I can bear, but I shall hope and trust to hear better news. From Grandma to all, Emma Raymo.  
Charlotte, my dear, I can't express my sorrow.

Once Emma learned the news of her youngest son's death, she wrote this letter:

Mar 20, 1926
My dear ones all. Just a few lines to tell you of mine and your sorrow. To think such terrible things can happen and how sorry that I am not able to be with you to help one and other, to help bear it together. But you, his dear children, help your dear mother to bear her grief. Be good and patient with her. Every one of you must help her to be brave and I will surely try to think and you will all be good and put your trust in God. My folks, Ralph, Fannie and I hope Hazel will be with you before you get this. My heart is too full to think so good morning. Love to all. Tell Uncle Ralph and Aunt Fannie, Melvin rested very good last night and is lots better this morning. Charlotte, do try and write to me when you get so you can and please don't forget.
From Grandma, who loved your daddy and loves his family. This is a sad thing to happen but I hoped your first message might prove too serious, but not so. Love to all.

Note: Ralph and Hazel were Arthur's siblings. Fannie (Norris) was Ralph's wife. Melvin (Raymo) was the son of Ralph and Fannie.

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